
A little bit more sysadmin oriented tutorial

Goyo Ambrosio
Jul. 18 2018


R presentations

R presentations are presentations coded as Rmarkdown and then translated to HTML using the R programming language framework.

Rmarkdown is a markdown based R syntax that helps make documents in many different formats.

There are many different ways to make r presentations in RStudio (oslides, Slidy, Beamer, ...)

Slidify exists as a package with a huge online community and popularity.

Slidify has the most options and flexibility but you mustn't to use it until you are more comfortable with R packages and general syntax.

What is Slidify

Slidify is a tool that makes it easy to create, customize and publish, reproducible HTML5 slide decks using R Markdown.

Slidify helps create, customize and share, elegant, dynamic and interactive HTML5 documents using R Markdown.

It is is an almagamation of other technologies including knitr, Markdown, and several javascript libaries

It allows embedded code chunks and mathematical formulas

You can view slidify presentations with any web browser and share them easily on Github, Dropbox, or your own website

Set up your workspace

Things you need

To work with slidify you need the right environment:

  • A language and environment for statistical computing and graphics: R
  • An integrated development environment (IDE) for R: RStudio
  • Optionally a powerful more-than-an-editor like Emacs customized with Spacemacs, ESS and Polymode.
  • A way to install R packages under development (i.e. slidify): devtools

Preferably in Linux!

How to install R

The Ubuntu archives on CRAN are signed with the key of “Michael Rutter". To add the key to your system run:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys E084DAB9

edit the source.list file

sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list

and add the corresponding source to your operating system version [Ubuntu 16.04|17.10|18.04]

deb [xenial|artful|bionic]-cran35/

Finally, to install the complete R system, run:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install r-base

How to install RStudio

Download RStudio.

Install it (rstudio-xenial-1.1.453-amd64.deb in this case) from command prompt

# For Debian based
sudo dpkg -i rstudio-xenial-1.1.453-amd64.deb
# install dependencies
sudo apt install -f

Or click deb file through the file manager. Ubuntu will install it and its dependencies.

How to install Emacs and Spacemacs

As usual, run this command

sudo apt install emacs

Download SourceCode Pro font, uncompress and install. (it takes some seconds ... don't suspect, it's working)

sudo mv ~/Downloads/source-code-pro-2.030R-ro-1.050R-it/OTF /usr/share/fonts/opentype
sudo fc-cache -f

To install Spacemacs type

git clone ~/.emacs.d

The first time you run Spacemacs you must to answer three initial configuratation questions.

How to install ESS and polymode major modes for Emacs

Edit .spacemacs, usually under your home directory.

  1. Activate ess configuration layer

  2. Add polymode package as additional package

    dotspacemacs-additional-packages '(polymode)
  3. Add extension associations

    dotspacemacs/user-config ()
    (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.Rmd$" . poly-markdown+r-mode))

How to install devtools

Previously you need to install some libraries in your system:

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libcurl4-gnutls-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev

Now run R as sudo and install the package

$ sudo -i R
> install.packages('devtools')

How to install slidify

Now you are ready to install Slidify

Slidify is not on CRAN and needs to be installed from github using the devtools package.

pkgs <- c("slidify", "slidifyLibraries", "rCharts")
devtools::install_github(pkgs, "ramnathv")

If you are brave, recommends installation of the package dev version but I don't recommend it.

devtools::install_github(pkgs, 'ramnathv', ref = 'dev')

Now you are ready to create your first slidify presentation.

Create a new Deck

Each presentation is called a 'deck'. To create a new deck open R, set your working directory and use the author command.


/path/to/myDeck is created.

Create a R Project from Existing Directory

File -> New Project -> Existing Directory -> /path/to/myDeck -> Create Project

A file called myDeck.Rproj will be created under /path/to/myDeck.

Add version control with Git

If git is installed, then the author command also initializes a git repository, switchs to a gh-pages branch and commit all changes.

Before uploading your deck to your favourite Git cloud provider create .gitignore to avoid version control for non essential files.

cd /path/to/myDeck
touch .gitignore
vim .gitignore

Add your ignored extensions

# RStudio files #
# ...

Upload the new repository to BitBucket or GitHub

Create an empty Repository, e.g. myDeck in BitBucket or GitHub. With an empty repository a default branch called master won't be created. Then push the local myDeck repository to the remote myDeck repo. Note that a new branch called gh-pages has been created.

cd /path/to/myDeck
git add .
git commit -am "Initial commit"
git remote add origin_github
git remote add origin_bitbucket
git push -u origin_[github|bitbucket] --all
git push -u origin_[github|bitbucket] --tags

Now you can work with your new repository as usual

Cloning your repo

To clone the repo on your machine take in account that you'll need to clone gh-pages branch

git clone -b gh-pages


git clone -b gh-page

Editing with Emacs and RStudio

index.Rmd is the only file you need to edit and for that you have two ways:

  • Using RStudio opening the project file, e.g. /path/to/myDeck/myDeck.Rproj
  • Using Emacs with ESS/Polymode major mode.

To take advantage of their editing capabilities RStudio and Emacs can be used simultaneously.

You can enable Emacs keybindings within RStudio using the Code section of the Global Options dialog.

Changes made to the edited files will be updated in real time both in Emacs and RStudio.

Slidify it !


and don't forget to update your git repository

git status
git commit -am "Updating my repository"
git push

Edit slides

index.Rmd = YAML + R Markdown

index.Rmd is the R Markdown document which you will use to compose the content of your presentation.

It's composed of a YAML section and a body section.

YAML metadata includes the title, subtitle, author, and job of the author. Also includes what slide framework you wish to use, which code highlighter you wish to use, and any widgets you want to include.

In addition it can include other fields like a logo to appear in your title slide under logo, the path to your assets folder and the paths to any other folders you may be using under url, and the specific theme for your code highlighter of choice under hitheme.

Under YAML you can include your slides just using R Markdown to write them.

R Markdown is a file format for making dynamic documents with R. An R Markdown document is written in markdown and contains chunks of embedded R (and other languages** code.

How YAML looks

title       : Slidify 
subtitle    : A little bit more sysadmin oriented Tutorial
author      : Gregorio Ambrosio
job         : Apr. 17 2018
framework   : io2012        # {io2012, html5slides, shower, dzslides, ...}
highlighter : highlight.js  # {highlight.js, prettify, highlight}
hitheme     : zenburn       # {zenburn, tomorrow, solarized-dark, ...}
widgets     : bootstrap     # {mathjax, quiz, bootstrap}
mode        : selfcontained # {standalone, draft}
knit        : slidify::knit2slides
logo        : goyologo.png  # Graphic files will be in ~/myDeck/assets/img
biglogo     : goyologo.png
license     : by-nc-sa
  user: goyoambrosio
  repo: SlidifyTutorial
  branch: "gh-pages"
assets      : {assets: ../../assets}       # Add an assets directory
libraries   : {libraries: ../../libraries} # Add a libraries directory
ext_widgets : {rCharts: [libraries/nvd3, libraries/leaflet, libraries/dygraphs]}


Your first slide begins under YAML and looks like this:

--- .myClass #myId &myLayout 
---{class: myClass, id: myId, tpl: myLayout}

## Slide Title

- Whatever you put after `##` will be the title of the slide.
- Each slide needs to be preceeded by an empty line followed by `---`
  this denotes the beginning of a new slide and the end of the previous slide.
- `.class #id` are `CSS` attributes you can use to customize the slide.
- Whatever you put between `##` and `---` is up to you! As long as it is
  valid R Markdown or `HTML`.


Blocks are slides nested within a slide, identified by three stars. Just like a slide, they can contain properties, title and content.

There are two types of blocks - named and unnamed. A block can be named by specifying the property {name: block1} (or using the symbolic shortcut {=block1}).

A block with the name block1 can be accessed in a slide layout as slide.block1. The title and content of this block can be accessed as slide.block1.title and slide.block1.content**. Unnamed blocks are aggregated into the namespaceslide.blocks**.

Slide Customization

Slide customization

  • Properties. They are implemented as css. You can find them in libraries/frameworks/io2012/css or write your own css files under assets/css. Your css files will be loaded when open you slidify presentation.
  • Layouts. They are implemented as html files conforming mustache specifications under libraries/frameworks/io2012/layouts. Also you can write your own layouts and locate them under assets/layouts.
  • Widgets. A widget is a collection of stylesheets, javascripts and layouts that add additional functionality to a slide deck.

With io2012 framework you have two layouts: twocol.html and vcenter.html besides the default slides.html. Be careful with the examples because they often use their own layouts.

This presentation also uses its own files as assets/css/app.css and assets/layouts/carousel.html.


Slide properties

Slide properties, i.e. attributes, are key-value pairs that are passed to the layout.They are valid YAML and are written after --- as follows

.class_name_1 .class_name_2 #id_value
class:[class_name_1, class_name_2] id:id_value
{class: [class_name_1, class_name_2], id: id_value}

The three lines are equivalent. The first one follows symbolic css style prefixes where a dot indicates class, a hash refers to id and an ampersand identifies a layout.


.segue #myId bg:blue 
class:segue id:myId bg:blue
{class: segue, id: myId, bg: blue}

For clarity we will use the third option

Slide properties table

slide.title The title of the slide with no markup
slide.header The title of the slide with markup
slide.level The title header level (h1 - h6)
slide.content The contents of the slide sans header
slide.html The contents of the slide with header
slide.num The number of the slide The id assigned to the slide
slide.class The class assigned to the slide The background assigned to the slide
slide.myblock The slide block named myblock
slide.blocks The slide blocks which are not named
slide.rendered he rendered slide

Slide to parse

--- {class: class_name, id: id_value, bg: color_name}

## Slide Title

Slide Contents

Parsed slide

[1] "<h2>Slide Title</h2>\n\n<p>Slide Contents</p>\n"

[1] "<h2>Slide Title</h2>"

[1] "2"

[1] "Slide Title"

[1] "<p>Slide Contents</p>\n"

[1] "class_name"

[1] "color_name"

[1] "id_value"


About layouts

Slidify uses whisker to render the final html by passing the parsed data to the layout file.

Whisker is a mustache implementation in R confirming to the mustache specification.

A layout is a mustache template that specifies the markup to render a slide.

To identify a layout you can use an ampersand (&) or tpl as key. e.g. ---&layout_name or ---tpl:layout_name

Slidify combines the parsed slide plus the layout to render the HTML.

Creating a layout

To create a new layout you must to make a new .html file conforming the mustache specification under your assets/layouts directory.

Insert your code and reference it as a slide property, i.e.

cd /path/to/myDeck/assets/layouts
touch myLayout.html
vim myLayout.html

and then use it in your slide as follows



---{tpl: myLayout}

Carousel layout

 layout: test 
 {{{ slide.content }}}
 <div id="{{}}-carousel" class="carousel slide {{slide.class}}">
     <!-- Indicators -->
     <ol class="carousel-indicators">
         {{# slide.blocks }}
         <li data-target="#{{}}-carousel" data-slide-to="{{num}}" class="{{class}}"></li>
         {{/ slide.blocks }}
     <!-- Wrapper for slides -->
     <div class="carousel-inner">
         {{# slide.blocks }}
         <div class="item {{class}}">
             <img src="{{img}}" alt="{{alt}}">
             <div class="carousel-caption">{{{ content }}}</div>
         {{/ slide.blocks }}
     <!-- Controls -->
     <a class="left carousel-control" href="#{{}}-carousel" data-slide="prev">&lsaquo;</a>
     <a class="right carousel-control" href="#{{}}-carousel" data-slide="next">&rsaquo;</a>


Vcenter layout

vcenter layout presents content in the slide center.

Use vcenter layout as follows



---{tpl: vcenter}

Slide contents

Two columns Layout

Two columns layout presents content distributed in two columns.

Use layout as follows

---&twocol w1:40% w2:60%

## Using twocol layout

This slide has two columns

*** =left

- point 1
- point 2
- point 3

*** =right

- point 1
- point 2
- point 3

Using twocol layout

This slide has two columns

  • point 1
  • point 2
  • point 3
  • point 1
  • point 2
  • point 3

Playing with code

Code hightlighting

We want that our code blocks look good. Syntax highlighting let us to make code clear and understable.


... code

Using Hightlight.js

Highlight.js is a syntax highlighter written in JavaScript. It works with pretty much any markup, doesn’t depend on any framework and has automatic language detection.

Main features

  • 176 languages and 79 styles
  • automatic language detection
  • multi-language code highlighting
  • available for node.js
  • works with any markup
  • compatible with any js framework

hightlight.js demo

CSS classes reference


The knitr package was designed based on the idea of “Literate Programming” (Knuth 1984), which allows you to intermingle program code with text in a source document.

When knitr compiles a document, the program code (in code chunks) will be extracted and executed, and the program output will be displayed together with the original text in the output document.

For instance, for an R Markdown (Rmd) document, we write code chunks between ```{r} and ``` and inline R code is written in `r <expr>`. Chunk options are written before the closing brace in the chunk header.

knitr support a lot of computer languages that are implemented in knitr language engines.

Note that knitr converts {<language_name> ...} to <language_name> but the language name in knitr corresponds to the engine that executes the code but does not have to correspond to the name used by hightlight.js.



---{class: [segue, dark]}

## Section name
---{class: segue, bg: green}

## Section name


## This is a table

| **Variable**    | **Description**                       |
| `slide.title`   | The title of the slide with no markup |
| `slide.header`  | The title of the slide with markup    |
| `slide.level`   | The title header level (h1 - h6)      |
| `slide.content` | The contents of the slide sans header |
| `slide.html`    | The contents of the slide with header |
| `slide.num`     | The number of the slide               |
| ``      | The id assigned to the slide          |
| `slide.class`   | The class assigned to the slide       |
| ``      | The background assigned to the slide  |
| `slide.myblock` | The slide block named myblock         |
| `slide.blocks`  | The slide blocks which are not named  |
| `slide.rendered`| The rendered slide                    |

Changing page number color

---{class: green}

## Slide Title

Slide Content

Corner banner: example class

<a class='example' href="http://your.url">click here</a>

## Slide Title

Slide content

click here

Corner banner: definition class

<a class='definition' href="http://your.url">click here</a>

## Slide Title

Slide content

click here

Image inclusion

To include an image in your slide you must insert html code as follows:

<img style='margin-top: 5px' class="center" src='assets/img/slide_properties.svg' width=500px></img> 

Also sometimes you will find the following code

<iframe src='assets/img/slidify_banner.png'></iframe>

Quoted text

Use <q>...</q> html tags

<q> Slidify helps __create__, customize and share, elegant, dynamic and ...</q>

Slidify helps create, customize and share, elegant, dynamic and interactive HTML5 documents using R Markdown.

Inserting text file content

Sometimes you'll need to include raw code or text in your slide.

You can to create a text raw file and insert it as follows

 ---{class: RAW}

 ## Slide

 ``` {r results = 'asis', echo = F}
 writeLines(paste('\t', readLines('assets/includes/myfile.txt')))

Slide with custom background

Two options:




## Slide with custom background

#custbg {
  background-repeat: no-repeat;
  background-position: center center;
  background-size: cover;

Presenter display and presenter notes

You can define speaker notes within any slide by adding the line *** =pnotes before it. Here is an example of a slide with speaker notes.

You can view speaker notes by pressing the key p which acts as a toggle and automatically opens the presenter view.

For io2012, you need to add ?presentme=true to the presentation url, which will then open the presenter view.

You can also include an image in the presenter display using markdown syntax, e.g. ![](

*** =pnotes
Presenter notes

Comment out a slide


Slide 1 content
Slide 2 content


Slide 1 content
Slide 2 content

Using iframe

CSS related

Changing background in all slides at once

Include this in your /assets/css/mycss.css:

slides > slide {
  background: #hex !important;

Changing the font type on slides

@import url(;

.title-slide hgroup > h1{
font-family: 'Baumans', cursive;

.title-slide hgroup > h2{
  font-family: 'Oswald', 'Calibri', sans-serif;

/* Fonts and Spacing */
article p, article li, article, section p, section li{
  font-family: 'Open Sans','Helvetica', 'Crimson Text', 'Garamond',  'Palatino', sans-serif;
  text-align: justify;
  line-height: 1.5em;
  color: #AA7139;


Other stuff

Tutorials and resources

Thank You

For more information you can contact.
